Bozeman Health Subarea Plan

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The Bozeman Health land east of Highland Boulevard is one of the largest undeveloped properties in the City of Bozeman. With the continued evolution and growth of the community, it is reasonable to assume that some of this land will be developed in the future.

The purpose of the Bozeman Health Subarea Plan is to better guide future development utilizing the goals established in the 2020 Community Plan, which is also referred to as the City Growth Policy.

Bozeman Health and Sanderson Stewart are approaching this process with a wide variety of community needs in mind. We are looking for ‘win-win’ opportunities to advance Bozeman Health’s mission while balancing the community and neighborhood priorities established in the 2020 Community Plan.

This website will provide and archive up-to-date information about the planning process and provide a variety of ways for the public to engage by sharing thoughts and ideas.

To interact and provide input, please click the "REGISTER" button in the upper right corner of this page. To receive email updates about this project, please click the "SUBSCRIBE" button in the upper right corner of this page.

Thank you for your interest in this project. We're glad you're here!

The Bozeman Health land east of Highland Boulevard is one of the largest undeveloped properties in the City of Bozeman. With the continued evolution and growth of the community, it is reasonable to assume that some of this land will be developed in the future.

The purpose of the Bozeman Health Subarea Plan is to better guide future development utilizing the goals established in the 2020 Community Plan, which is also referred to as the City Growth Policy.

Bozeman Health and Sanderson Stewart are approaching this process with a wide variety of community needs in mind. We are looking for ‘win-win’ opportunities to advance Bozeman Health’s mission while balancing the community and neighborhood priorities established in the 2020 Community Plan.

This website will provide and archive up-to-date information about the planning process and provide a variety of ways for the public to engage by sharing thoughts and ideas.

To interact and provide input, please click the "REGISTER" button in the upper right corner of this page. To receive email updates about this project, please click the "SUBSCRIBE" button in the upper right corner of this page.

Thank you for your interest in this project. We're glad you're here!

  • Join Us: July 12 Subarea Plan Open House

    Share Join Us: July 12 Subarea Plan Open House on Facebook Share Join Us: July 12 Subarea Plan Open House on Twitter Share Join Us: July 12 Subarea Plan Open House on Linkedin Email Join Us: July 12 Subarea Plan Open House link

    Join Us: July 12 Subarea Plan Open House

    First, thank you for subscribing to our email list to receive updates on Bozeman Health's subarea planning process - if you have received this email from a friend, we encourage you to sign up as well so you'll receive updates directly in the future.

    We want to share a reminder about our second open house, which is coming up next week. We also want to remind you that our July presentation materials will be the same as those provided at our June 21 open house. You are warmly welcome to come again, but we wanted you to know what to expect.

    Subarea Plan Open House
    Tuesday, July 12, 2022
    6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

    Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital
    Bitterroot/Meadowlark Conference Rooms

    Park in Lot A or B | Use Entrance 1
    Head left toward the cafeteria, staff will be on hand to direct you

    Over the past weeks, we have engaged in a number of community presentations with neighborhood and recreational use groups. Our team, led by Denise Juneau, Bozeman Health Chief Government and Community Affairs Officer, and Chris Naumann, Sanderson Stewart Senior Planner, has been working to help the community understand the planning process that will occur over the next 12+ months. Next week's open house will provide more information, building on the individualized sessions to date with new information on Bozeman Health's intent for the planning process and initial land use priorities. This open house will be comprised of the same presentation materials as our first open house - view our June/July open house presentation materials here.

    The open house will be structured in stations for community members to visit to learn more about the planning process, ask questions, and hear from our expert planning partners at Sanderson Stewart. There is no formal presentation, so please join us during any point of this two hour event - you can move at your own pace through the stations as your interest guides.

    What's Next?

    Over the summer, our colleagues at Sanderson Stewart will craft an online engagement tool to support a meaningful way to guide your input. We will alert you when this tool goes live through an email to this listerv and also link it to our subarea planning webpage.

  • Join Us: June 21 Subarea Plan Open House

    Share Join Us: June 21 Subarea Plan Open House on Facebook Share Join Us: June 21 Subarea Plan Open House on Twitter Share Join Us: June 21 Subarea Plan Open House on Linkedin Email Join Us: June 21 Subarea Plan Open House link

    Join Us: June 21 Subarea Plan Open House

    First, thank you for subscribing to our email list to receive updates on Bozeman Health's subarea planning process - if you have received this email from a friend, we encourage you to sign up as well so you'll receive updates directly in the future.

    We want to share a reminder about our first open house next week and give you an update on what to expect at this event.

    Subarea Plan Open House
    Tuesday, June 21, 2022
    6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
    Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital
    Bitterroot/Meadowlark Conference Rooms
    Park in Lot A or B | Use Entrance 1
    Head left toward the cafeteria, staff will be on hand to direct you

    Over the past weeks, we have engaged in a number of community presentations with neighborhood and recreational use groups. Our team, led by Denise Juneau, Bozeman Health Chief Government and Community Affairs Officer, and Chris Naumann, Sanderson Stewart Senior Planner, has been working to help the community understand the planning process that will occur over the next 12+ months. Next week's open house will provide more information, building on the sessions to date with new information on Bozeman Health's intent for the planning process and initial land use priorities.

    The open house will be structured in stations for community members to visit to learn more about the planning process, ask questions, and hear from our expert planning partners at Sanderson Stewart. There is no formal presentation, so please join us during any point of this two hour event - you can move at your own pace through the stations as your interest guides.

    What's Next?

    Our July 12th open house will follow the same format and offer the same information as our June open house, so if you can't join us next week, we hope to see you in July.
    Between now and our open houses in September and October, our colleagues at Sanderson Stewart will craft an online engagement tool to support a meaningful way to guide your input.
    Our September and October open houses will include a substantive draft framework for your review.

  • Bozeman Health to Update Subarea Plan at City of Bozeman Request

    Share Bozeman Health to Update Subarea Plan at City of Bozeman Request on Facebook Share Bozeman Health to Update Subarea Plan at City of Bozeman Request on Twitter Share Bozeman Health to Update Subarea Plan at City of Bozeman Request on Linkedin Email Bozeman Health to Update Subarea Plan at City of Bozeman Request link
    supporting image
    Corporate news | Friday, May 6, 2022

    Contact: Lauren Brendel, M.S.

    In 1956, leaders of the health system purchased land on Highland Blvd., which encompasses Hillcrest Senior Living, the Deaconess Hospital campus, and the agricultural fields and ranchland bordered by Highland, Kagy, and Bozeman Trail Road, that is commonly referred to as Highland Glen. In 2006 Bozeman Health created a subarea plan to supplement the City’s Community Plan to guide future uses of the undeveloped Highland Glen area.

    In late 2020, the Bozeman City Commission adopted the Bozeman Community Plan. The Community Plan is the overarching vision guiding the City’s evolution over the next ten years - it outlines goals and objectives regarding current and future land uses, transportation and mobility, social and cultural identity, public safety and the environment, and economic development.

    The City of Bozeman requested that Bozeman Health update their subarea plan as part of the community plan process. A subarea plan applies the goals and objectives established in the Community Plan to a smaller area, district, or neighborhood—it is a high-level overview of potential future land uses. Bozeman Health currently has no plans to develop the land in Highland Glen. Any future development would require adherence to the City’s Subdivision, Master Site Plan, and Site Plan processes.

    Bozeman Health has engaged Sanderson Stewart, a local community design and planning company, to lead a new subarea planning process, which will include robust public engagement. Bozeman Health and Sanderson Stewart are conducting a series of opportunities for community involvement over the next six months. The new subarea plan will be submitted to the City early in 2023, followed by public hearings with the Planning Board and City Commission prior to potential adoption.

    Open houses will be hosted at Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital from June through October.

Page last updated: 16 Jul 2024, 09:54 AM